🚨 Beware, Cabaia customers and fans! 🚨
We've got a little important message to share with you. We've noticed that some clever people are trying to cash in on our success by creating sites that look suspiciously like ours. Beware of sites with names like "cabaiabag", "onlinecabaiashop" or other variations. They are not part of the Cabaia family!
The best way to check that you're on an official Cabaia site is to look at the URL. Only cabaia.fr, cabaia.com and cabaia.de are the real, unique, inimitable Cabaia sites! 🌈
And a little hint: if you see bags for €20, raise a sceptical eyebrow 🤨. We like to offer you quality products, and let's face it, at that price, it's probably too good to be true.
All our teams are alerted, and the various sites are immediately reported to the relevant authorities, but the procedures take some time. Remain vigilant and if you have the slightest doubt or question, don't hesitate to contact us.❤️