
It's easy to open your suitcase!


If your superb suitcase is mysteriously blocked when you receive it, don't panic! It's probably due to a misalignment of the stars... or the code.


Try to align the code to 000, take a deep breath and gently pull the latch. The zips in the protected slots will pop like popcorn at the cinema. Don't forget the 3D glasses for the special effect! 😎


If you'd like to change your code (and we'd strongly advise you to do so, because the good old 000 isn't very original any more 😅), we've come up with a short video to explain (only in French at the moment): 

All you have to do is press the little button (yes, the one circled in blue), choose your new code (the number of coffees you drink per week, your cat's birthday...) and pop the little latch!


Congratulations, you're now ready to travel the world in style and convenience 🔥


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